Fertility preservation

This involves the cryopreservation of gametes (sperm and eggs), storing them in liquid nitrogen cryobanks, in order to maintain their viability indefinitely. When the patient wishes to have children, they may use these cryopreserved gametes for assisted reproduction treatment.

Preservation of eggs

There are two main reasons that women consider cryopreserving eggs for future use:

Cancer patients: patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy, which may have a detrimental effect (temporary or permanent) on egg production. Eggs can be cryopreserved prior to these types of cancer treatments.

Preservation for social reasons: women who want to delay motherhood for personal reasons. A woman’s ovarian reserve depletes over time, and there is a decrease in both the number and quality of eggs produced, especially after the age of 35.

The technique used to cryopreserve oocytes is vitrification, which consists of an ultra-fast freezing of the eggs by direct immersion in liquid nitrogen, at a temperature of -196 °C. Under these conditions they can be preserved indefinitely until they are used through in vitro fertilisation.

Preservation of semen

In this case, the sample is obtained by masturbation, analysed by seminogram and cryopreserved following a slow freezing protocol. Frozen samples shall be kept in liquid nitrogen banks at -196 °C until required.

Cryopreservation of semen samples is suitable for:

Patients undergoing a vasectomy

Transsexual patients

Low ovarian reserve

Cancer patients who are undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy, which is very harmful to the precursor cells of sperm

Patients that find it difficult to obtain a sample

Patients with poor sperm quality, which is likely to get worse

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