Shared Motherhood or Reciprocal IVF

Shared Motherhood or Reciprocal IVF is an assisted reproduction treatment for women in same sex relationships, in which both actively participate in the achievement of pregnancy. In this treatment, one woman provides the eggs, and the other woman will become pregnant with the embryo or embryos generated from those eggs. Therefore, while one woman contributes her DNA, the other will carry the child during pregnancy.

Shared Motherhood or Reciprocal IVF

is a variant of in vitro fertilisation treatment. The woman who contributes her eggs must undergo a controlled ovarian stimulation treatment and a follicular puncture or egg retrieval, as described in the section on In Vitro Fertilisation.

Semen from an anonymous donor will be used to fertilise the eggs. The other woman will undergo a hormonal treatment of endometrial preparation and will have the embryos generated via in vitro fertilisation implanted in her uterus using the embryo transfer technique.

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