Time lapse

The ability of embryos to evolve and how they do that determines the probability that these embryos will eventually implant and lead to pregnancy. In the Assisted Reproduction Laboratory, we meticulously study and analyse the way in which each individual embryo divides and progresses before it is transferred.

Time Lapse technology

is used to observe embryonic evolution in an incubator that tracks progress in real time. It allows us to see each division of the embryos minute by minute and how they are developing through videos. This allows us to select embryos in a more efficient and reliable way to assure the best chances of pregnancy.

This revolutionary breakthrough in incubators improves pregnancy outcomes by helping to shorten the waiting time to pregnancy, prioritising the transfer of better-quality embryos.

In addition, with this incubator technology, future parents will be able to enjoy the video of the first days of development of their baby, in which an egg and a sperm become an embryo and their future baby.

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