Fecundación In vitro IFV

Fertility Treatments

At IFV, we are committed to offering our patients the latest medical advances in assisted reproduction led by an experienced team of reproductive medicine specialists. After years of experience, we have mastered the treatments of artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, and have developed various programs for high-quality egg donation, among other treatments.

Each life project is different, special, and unique. That’s why we offer the best treatments
to help us discover together what you need and what best suits your fertility and reproductive situation,
always with the goal of helping you find and enjoy this life process.

Timed Intercourse - TI

Consists of tracking ovulation to determine the optimal time to have sex in order to achieve pregnancy.

Artificial Insemination - AI

Simple, low-cost assisted reproduction technique that consists of the unnatural introduction of a volume of sperm into the woman’s uterus to achieve fertilisation of the egg and pregnancy.

In vitro fertilisation - IVF

Based on the extraction of the woman’s eggs by means of ovarian puncture and then fertilising them in the laboratory with sperm from her partner (or a donor).


There are two main types of donations:

Gamete donation (transfer of eggs and sperm donated by anonymous people)

Embryo Donation (embryo transfer with
embryos that have been donated by other couples)

Espermatozoide llegando al óvulo. IFV

Fertility preservation

Posponer la maternidad y la paternidad es posible gracias a la criopreservación de óvulos y espermatozoides, así como su cuidada conservación a lo largo de los años hasta el momento en que el paciente considere para comenzar a formar una familia.

En IFV nos comprometemos a acompañarte y cumplir este sueño juntos, desde hoy hasta el día que lo necesites.

Shared Motherhood or Reciprocal IVF

Shared Motherhood or Reciprocal IVF is an assisted reproduction treatment for women in same sex couples, in which both actively participate in the achievement of pregnancy.

The special thing about this treatment is that, while one woman contributes her DNA, the other will carry the child during pregnancy.

Fertility preservation

This involves the cryopreservation of gametes (sperm and eggs), storing them in liquid nitrogen cryobanks, in order to maintain their viability indefinitely. When the patient wishes to have children, they may use these cryopreserved gametes for assisted reproduction treatment.

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